History and Heritage

Great success stories often have humble beginnings, and the story of Sandaru Ventures (Pvt) Ltd is no exception. It all began in the early 1990s, when a young boy, inspired by his paternal grandfather, set out to emulate his example and become a successful business icon through sheer dedication and unyielding determination.

Our history dates back to 1993, the year when our founder, Mr. Mahesh Fernando, was just a 16-year-old boy who had just completed his G.C.E Ordinary Level exams. Instead of idling away the three months while awaiting his results, Mahesh came up with a grand plan to earn some money.

Cutting of the ribbonHe borrowed some cash from his father to purchase a vehicle from a government auction with the intention of reselling it after restoration. Although it was a daunting task for a teenager, his father, Mr. George Fernando, a renowned planter and businessman, provided him with both the money and the encouragement to achieve his entrepreneurial vision.

Starting from these modest beginnings, Mahesh slowly built a name for himself in the vehicle trade. While continuing his education through Advanced Level and into university, he sold restored vehicles purchased from government auctions. Accepted into the University of Kelaniya to study Business Management, he decided after his first year to leave university and dedicate himself entirely to his dream of becoming a respected business leader.

Mahesh's obsession with quality quickly earned him a reputation as a genuine vehicle seller. This reputation brought a steady stream of new and repeat customers who trusted him to provide vehicles of impeccable quality. In 2000, he officially registered the business under his own name, reflecting the personal trust customers placed in him. As the business grew, it moved from his parental home to a more spacious location in 2006, now located at No. 61, Daluwakotuwa, Kochchikade, facing the Colombo-Chilaw highway.

Lighting oil lamlIn the same year, Mahesh expanded the business strategy to include importing vehicles from Japan. Starting with just one vehicle, Mahesh International soon grew to import more than 60 vehicles per month from Japan and other countries. This expansion enabled the company to meet the increasing demand for very low to zero mileage reconditioned and brand-new vehicles. What began with just one employee now provides direct and indirect employment to nearly 50 people, many of whom have been with the company for over seven years.

The greatest asset of the company is the respect it has earned from clients, the public, institutional stakeholders, and even competitors. The business, which started as a teenage dream, has grown into one of Sri Lanka's leading vehicle sale outlets, ranked among the top three vehicle importers in the country.

Under the leadership of Mahesh's son, Sandaru Fernando, Sandaru Ventures (Pvt) Ltd continues to build on this legacy. Sandaru's hands-on experience, gained from his father, and his modern vision for the future aim to take the company to new heights. With a commitment to integrating advanced technology and a focus on quality and customer service, Sandaru Ventures is poised to lead the automobile industry in Sri Lanka.

The journey of Sandaru Ventures is a testament to the fact that with patience, commitment, and a passion for success, even the wildest dreams can come true.

Click here to read an interview conducted the Founder Chairman of Mahesh Corporation - Mr. Mahesh Fernando

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