Chairman & Director - Sandaru Fernando

Mr. Sandaru Fernando

Sandaru Fernando, the Chairman and Managing Director of Sandaru Ventures (Pvt) Ltd., represents the second generation of leadership in a family deeply rooted in the Sri Lankan automobile industry. As the son of Mahesh Fernando, the illustrious founder of Mahesh Corporation, Sandaru has grown up immersed in the world of vehicle sales and has played a pivotal role in transforming the family's legacy into a modern, innovative enterprise.

Born into a family synonymous with quality vehicle imports, Sandaru was exposed to the intricacies of the automobile business from a very young age. His father, Mahesh Fernando, established Mahesh Corporation, which quickly rose to prominence as one of Sri Lanka's premier importers of brand-new and reconditioned vehicles. From his earliest years, Sandaru demonstrated a keen interest in the business. As a teenager, he spent all his spare time learning the ropes under his father's watchful eye. This early exposure was not just passive observation; Mahesh Fernando believed in hands-on learning and assigned his son various responsibilities to prepare him for future leadership.

Sandaru studied at the prestigious Colombo International School, furthering his education with a BSc in Management and Digital Innovation from the London School of Economics (LSE), equipping him with the theoretical knowledge to complement his practical experience. Throughout his education, Sandaru remained actively involved in the family business, gaining invaluable insights into the daily operations and strategic management of Mahesh Corporation.

Father & son - Mr. Mahesh & Mr.Sandaru Fernando

Under his father's guidance, Sandaru not only witnessed but also contributed to the immense growth and success of Mahesh Corporation. His involvement in the daily activities of the company provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the business, from logistics and sales to customer service and strategic planning. This hands-on experience has been instrumental in shaping Sandaru's approach to business management and leadership.

With the creation of Sandaru Ventures, Sandaru Fernando has taken a bold step to redefine and expand the family legacy. The transition of the vehicle sales division of Mahesh Corporation into an independent entity under the Sandaru Ventures brand marks a significant milestone. Sandaru's vision for the new business entity builds on the pillars of success that his father established—quality products and excellent customer service—while also incorporating modern technological advancements to enhance efficiency and reach.

The re-launch of the business under the Sandaru Ventures brand signifies more than just a change of name; it represents a strategic evolution. Sandaru aims to take the brand above and beyond the achievements of Mahesh Corporation, building on its strong foundation while embracing innovation and modern business practices. His leadership is characterized by a blend of traditional values and contemporary strategies, ensuring that the company's reputation for quality and service excellence is upheld as it navigates new challenges and opportunities.

In conclusion, Sandaru Fernando's journey from a young enthusiast in the automobile business to the Chairman and Managing Director of Sandaru Ventures (Pvt) Ltd. is a testament to his dedication, vision, and capability. With a deep understanding of the industry, a commitment to excellence, and a clear vision for the future, Sandaru is well-positioned to lead Sandaru Ventures to new heights, continuing the legacy of his father while making his own indelible mark on the Sri Lankan automobile industry.

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